Get in the driver’s seat

I help you to unleash your full potential for personal and professional growth

Four levels of coaching

My coaching approach is based on four levels. Every challenge that we face, whether in our personal or professional environment, finds its solution in one of these levels – mastering and aligning these four levels gets you in the driver’s seat.

Level 1:
Who are you?

In this level we uncover your true identity: What is your purpose in life? What inspires you? What are your core beliefs? What is it you really love to do and why are you repeating the same mistakes over and over again?

Level 2:
How to live?

This level is all about developing your life strategy: What are your most important life objectives and priorities regarding the different areas of your life? What are external factors and commitments that have an important impact on your life?

Level 3:
Where to play?

In Level 3 I help you defining your professional strategy: How important is career to you? How important is money and power to you? And why is that so? What kind of career does fit to your purpose and ambition?

Level 4:
How to play?

Level 4 is all about building your business: What are the most important objectives for building your current assignment? What topics/ projects/ initiatives should you focus on? How can you increase your effectiveness?

My way of thinking

I do not trust in belief systems. Standardized approaches and methodologies have never worked. My philosophy is to merge the perspectives and toolsets of very different consulting systems such as traditional management consulting, systemic organizational development, purpose driven people development and value based leadership.

  • “Ich arbeite mit Christian bereits seit 15 Jahren zusammen. Ich nenne Christians Stil “Schmidt netto”. Schmidt netto steht für Christians Gabe, Sachverhalte so zu entschlacken, dass danach sämtliche Dekoration entsorgt ist: Girlanden, Konfetti und Nebelkerzen. Alles weg. Übrig bleibt, was der Fall ist. Und was zu tun ist.”

    CEO, Consulting

  • “Zu Christian kommt man meist als erfolgreicher Manager. Strotzend vor Selbstbewusstsein und gefühlt schon nahe der Perfektion. Christian lässt dieses Selbstbild mit unverblümter Klarheit zusammenbrechen, und hilft dann mit Menschenverstand, Erfahrung und seinem Charme es noch schöner wieder aufzubauen. Wie das geht? Man muss sich nur auf diesen guten Typen einlassen und mitmachen.”

    MD, Financial Services

  • “Christian has the ability to quickly grasp very complex subjects and to uncover their hidden logic and structure. Building on that he helps me to develop very effective and efficient solutions. And: in doing so, we have a lot of fun together!”

    CEO, B2B Market Place

  • “Christian goes where it hurts. This is the only way to achieve sustainable transformation.”

    CEO, Digital Solutions

  • “Wenn man eine Organisation durch einen tiefgreifenden Transformationsprozess führt, so bedeutet dies einen durchgehenden Overflow an Informationen - jede Stunde, jeden Tag. Christian schafft es in kürzester Zeit, diese Informationen für mich zu verdichten, zu strukturieren und zu schärfen. Dadurch versetzt er mich in die Lage, ohne Zeitverlust klarer zu sehen und effektiver zu entscheiden.”

    Regional VP, Pharma

  • “Christian has a unique way of combining the qualities of traditional management consulting with a very strong feeling for how people and organizations tick. This is a very rare combination which opens new and sometimes uncomfortable, but always rewarding perspectives and solutions.”

    VP Business Unit, Pharma

  • “I have worked with Christian for 13 years now and he always inspires me to uncover the one essential question I should be asking right now and to develop my very personal and individual solution.”

    CEO, B2C Ecommerce

  • “Christian hat mich dabei unterstützt, prinzipiell ausgeglichener, selbstbewusster und glücklicher im Leben zu sein. Zusätzlich wurde es mir möglich, in ganz spezifischen Situationen, z.B. in Konflikten, Gehaltsverhandlungen und personellen Entscheidungen, deutlich bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen.”

    CEO, Fitness App

  • “Christian helped me to fully understand, to address and to solve a deeply rooted conflict in my senior management team that had become a serious threat to our future success.”

    Serial Founder & Entrepreneur

About me.

I look back at 30 years of senior management consulting serving clients on strategy, transformation and leadership. I’m influenced by a very fact and number driven consulting approach and have also developed a deep understanding of what makes people and organizations tick. I hold a law degree from Bonn University and studied international law at Sorbonne, Paris. After several management positions with Degussa AG in Frankfurt and New York, I startet my consulting career in 1994 at the Boston Consulting Group. Since 2001 I have been building my own consulting practice. The objective being to merge management consulting and people development.